Program To Crack Cisco Secret 5 Password [2021] ⮞

Program To Crack Cisco Secret 5 Password [2021] ⮞



Program To Crack Cisco Secret 5 Password

one such way to learn more about the target network device is to log in and run a command-line interface (cli). this enables you to gather more information about the cisco network device and where it is running in the network.

the cisco ios config file format specifies the location and types of information for device configuration. there is one cisco ios config file per router or access point that exists in the network. the cisco ios config file has the following four sections:

locations section. this is a list of the router’s access points. there can be any number of locations listed. a location is a device like a switch, or access point. there is one location per access point. it can be a vlan interface on the access point or a vlan interface directly connected to a cisco router.

interfaces section. this is a list of interfaces on the cisco router. there can be any number of interfaces listed in the file. a cisco router is a core cisco routing device that has a number of interfaces connected to access points.

now all you need to do to get access to the clear text passwords is run a program. here is an example of a unix command to view any passwords on a cisco device. for security reasons, this example shows a cisco ios prompt. it is important to have a strong password on the router on which you run this command. using sudo on a unix or linux system makes this command potentially dangerous if you have not properly secured the system. > show password cisco_admin

if the password is not cleared you will see several lines of text. you can copy the password from any line. then copy this password and past it in the password field when configuring the router. once you have entered the necessary information, press the return key. this assumes that your cisco router is connected to the internet. this was a simple command example.

if an attacker gains access to the backup files, there is no way for him to read them. a program could be created to decrypt them. it is then, rather than discovering the passwords, that the attacker has found the entire network.
the passwords are encoded in an xor or ecb format. the cipher used to encode is simply a block cipher with the same key size as the clear text. the key size of the cisco aes algorithm is 128 bits, the same as the key size of the des encryption algorithm. because the des algorithm is considered to be a too weak and vulnerable encryption algorithm, it was not recommended to use it with anything more than a 36 character password. a 36 character password has been in use for years with no complaints. the same goes for a 128 bit encryption algorithm like the one used by cisco aes. it is perfectly safe.
the next thing you would need is a table that shows the clear text string for each of the 16 possible encryption keys. in the case of cisco aes, this would mean that you would have to have a table of 256 rows, and 256 columns. for a 128 bit key, that is 2560 characters. it would take you a very long time to manually type it. even if you somehow managed to type it, you would have to store it somewhere. so how do you get the table in the first place?
the only way to get the table is to use an existing program that can automatically generate it. now that we have the table, it is time to decrypt the passwords. the algorithm used is just a xor or ecb implementation of des. the key size used is the same size as the clear text. the key size used in cisco aes is 128 bits. the clear text is a 36 character password. it is now a simple matter of taking each cell in the table and xoring it with the cells in the clear text column. you end up with a plain text password, which should correspond to the clear text.