Modernization Of Indian Tradition By Yogendra Singh Pdf 22

Modernization Of Indian Tradition By Yogendra Singh Pdf 22


Modernization Of Indian Tradition By Yogendra Singh Pdf 22

following them from the mainstream, singhs method of conceptualizing society and his work, moit, were accepted as the mainstream. they were taken for granted. by the time i was reading indian newspapers regularly, they were no longer surprising. they were also less valuable, as they were so familiar.

in this book, i retrace singhs journey. but it was the journey of a sociology in transition. and he was part of that transition. i do not say that he was the best person to do so. that was not my objective. my aim was to show how a sociology should be done, for it is a science. i have argued that the disciplines of sociology were partly responsible for the obsolescence of singh. that is, they assigned him the wrong role in the history of sociology.

yet, i also showed how the mumbai school changed the direction of indian sociology by arguing that a model of society should be presented as a historical trajectory. thus, indian sociology should be seen as a historical endeavour, more than just a set of theories and propositions. in particular, i argued that the indian tradition in sociology should be studied as a coherent narrative. and by a narrative i mean a narrative that starts in the past, proceeds to the present, and ends in the future.

the mumbai school also pursued a different approach to the sociology of religion. in this book, i showed how singhs work was informed by his own experiences of religion. i also showed how that influence can be traced through the trajectory of the mumbai school. most importantly, i showed that singh`s views were not neutral.

many criticisms of ics were made by a select group of young lawyers and school teachers who denounced its aristocratic character. further discussion of the ics included the role it played in rajputana, a feudal and warrior state that dated to the twelfth century. although rajputs had produced many leaders in a number of fields, the iconic status of the state was inevitably tied to the institution of the rajputana, a legendary fighting line of large, well-trained cavalrymen who were usually landholders and noblemen. a state with an ics was bound to enjoy a greater degree of autonomy than a state without an ics; the officeholders became symbols of sovereigntys authority.
the appointment of an ics officer to the governor-general, therefore, was not unlike the appointment of a british viceroy. the symbol that the british used was an ics officer rather than a british lord because a viceroy was accountable to parliament while an ics officer was accountable to the maharajas of rajputana.
the nationalization of indian education (1935), the dastur reforms (1936) and the representation of the people act (1946) all were meant to develop and regularize forms of political action. all of these reforms were backed by the ics. by the late 1940s, a coalition of local social reformers, organized by members of the congress socialist and gandhi congress who feared that the british would leave india without a strong new state government, succeeded in recruiting and arming local army veterans with firearms. these soldiers revolted against british rule in 1947, bringing down the raj.