Don’t Mess With An Angel English Version Full 58 __HOT__ 💥



Don’t Mess With An Angel English Version Full 58

Leo Laporte (02:41:43):
Here’s an idea for you. This, here, right now. Give us your feedback. In the store. Over in the thread. Right now. For this review. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. Say that. Keep this alive. So what I learned when you travel, when you are outside of your own country, you will see customs and what it is. If you stop and say, Hey, look at that, and just embrace, that culture. And you can learn a lot. All right. I like those long belts too. You can see some older generations. Yeah. You’ve got a memory. I noticed that as well, you know, as you go around the world you realize. Yeah. But I don’t know. The main thing for me was the weird, strange, yet beautiful customs and culture. If you think about the natural curiosity of it. And you can learn about many, many things when you do that. Oh, great. Nicely done. Thank you. I felt that, I mean, one of the great things about traveling is it gives you a perspective. Of life. It gives you an understanding of one culture is so different from another. Although, I am not very good at foreign languages. But I like to think about it. As someone who just feels like I can just learn a little about everything and figure it out. And then I’ll see. You know, one of the great things about just travel in general is it does these things for you. And it gives you a chance to just absorb yourself in another culture. And see what it’s about. And what do they care about. You know, what I’ve realized is that I like to explore, I don’t like to do the same thing every day. There’s a a million things that I want to learn. And so I don’t just want to learn about the language. I want to learn about the customs, the food, things like that. I’m learning more about that right now. It’s okay. Yeah. I think travel gives you that perspective. I think that’s true. I think it’s true about business. When I travel. I have to remember that every single country in the world has a completely different way of doing business. And so, what they care about, what they want. And it may be completely different from what we as Americans think is important. How is our relationship with God, our relationship with Allah, our relationship with the universe. We shouldn’t care about that as much as we do as Americans. But these guys are just working for the needs of their own country. They’re not looking for us to give them feedback. They’re not looking for us to change our thinking. They’re not asking us to give them new ideas. They’re just looking for us to be curious about them. And they are interested in that. That’s what you learned. I realize that. On a personal level, I mean, on a business level, I realize I need to get some new supplies. And I got to get that. You know, you learn about what’s going to make sense and what’s not going to make sense. And what’s going to help them and what’s not going to help them. I get it. I hope you’ve enjoyed that podcast. Thank you for joining me. Scott. Yeah, thank you. I found a few things that I was looking for. I thought it was really interesting. The first thing I really liked is it’s really easy. It’s really easy to set up. It’s really easy to control the inventory. And that is something I saw on products.

Leo Laporte (03:05:36):there’s a way you can replace your default search. You can replace your default search with another search. So if it’s a great option of Google Chrome. You can, you can. You can, You can search for, Let’s say Ozzie. You can search for cricket. You can search for that. And it’s gonna find all that stuff. And you can even find all the photos of Ozzie. So what is in the picture, ya. So it’s great stuff. And I’m a believer in keeping data out of the hands of Google. I don’t love that they’re, you know, they’ve, they make so much money based on knowing what I’m doing. So if I’m searching for a specific kind of dog, it will work. But I use it with caution. Just like with products. I’m like, I don’t, I don’t buy these products if I don’t know the brand and I don’t know what they have done. And
Kagami tells Kise that he has a goal to win, but Moriyama interjects and tells him to lose. Moriyama tells Kise that the Hokuto Cup is against Sohoku’s rules. Moriyama asks if they can play this with full strength. Kise says that if they do it will be different. Moriyama asks if Kuroko has chosen an Sohoku player. Kise says that he has. Kise is shocked that Kuroko is an Sohoku player. Kise says that he can’t play with an Sohoku player. Kise tells them that if they play the match that Kuroko wants then they can’t play against him. Kobori says that this is the only way to prove what they are made of. Kise agrees and says that they can’t forfeit the challenge. Seirin says that they should play the match and win so that they can prove their worth.