Cd Key Pk Name Card 1.2 Crack !LINK!

Cd Key Pk Name Card 1.2 Crack !LINK!


Cd Key Pk Name Card 1.2 Crack

to break the des encryption system, all that is needed is to guess the key; this amounts to repeatedly xoring the plaintext with a randomly generated key. the assumption made by the des cracker team was that at least one known plaintext block would appear in the ciphertext even though the attacker didn’t have a specific known plaintext block. so the team could go back to the start of the key space and start testing from there. since we know that 256 keys are possible, we can test all of them. if the decrypted block is of interest, then the key is a possible candidate. if the decrypted block is not of interest, then the key is a non-candidate and the guess was wrong. the odds are less than 1 in 240 or 2 to 1, meaning that there is a better than 99.99999% chance that the key will be a non-candidate when the decrypted block is not of interest.

the fast track to cracking des is to randomly choose a key of the form xx. where xx is an 8-byte string of values that might be anything, including “1234567890123456”. for example, xx = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”. then, if the result of des(xx) is xyz, the key is “wrong”. this in effect compresses the range of possible keys into a small number of cases and then examines each of them to see if the result is interesting. the method is called a lookup table attack because of the key table. again, a more useful table might be one that looks at, say, the first 8 bytes of des(xx) and outputs a string starting with “1234567890123456” if it is interesting; this table would be referred to as a lookup function. in this manner, a table of 16 million values can be examined in a few minutes. in fact, if the search is restricted to the second 8 bytes, the table size can be reduced to 1,024 items.

techniques for implementing feistel cipher include the hash-and-lshift cipher (lecherman et al. fips pub 197, may 2000), but a feistel cipher is simply a permutation, no matter what kind of key expansion is performed (nguyen and parks tics ’94, 1994). most research performed on the subject has focused on the design and construction of the permutation part, particularly in the context of constant-time-per-byte functions (such as the crc-32, as lecherman et al. fips pub 197, 2000) and public-key (including elliptic curves) cryptography. some cryptographic algorithms, such as the md5 and sha-1 functions, are expensive in the number of logical operations (the famous wirth[s dictum that, “software must be made as simple as possible; but not simpler!”).
in this paper, we present an attack on the cd key encryption algorithm published by novartis in their name card 1.2 software. this attack enables an unauthorized user to decrypt all user data and to impersonate another user within the same database. the principal weakness of the encryption algorithm is that the user verification process is based on a fixed set of 36 keys, all encrypted with the original key.
the three components of the cd key encryption algorithm are simply a block cipher, a hash, and a repeat function. the actual encryption algorithm is fairly straightforward, but the format of the keys and user data requires a significant amount of processing during decryption. the first step, after the user verifies his identity through the decryption of the password, is to expand the user data into a block of pseudo-random bits of the same length as the user password. following this step, the password and user data are hashed to a fixed-length value, which is then encrypted with the same pseudo-random key. the key used is itself derived from the user data and the password.