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AutoCAD 2018 was released on April 15, 2018. It has been fully compatible with the 2018 release of AutoCAD LT (since Autodesk discontinued support for AutoCAD LT 2010).

How to Use AutoCAD & Save Your Work in AutoCAD

Use AutoCAD & Save Your Work in AutoCAD

If you’re just getting started with AutoCAD, or if you have a query about using AutoCAD, this article will help. This is a good place to start your learning on AutoCAD.

Add Subordinate Features with Snaps

Add Subordinate Features with Snaps

Snaps help you easily add and manipulate features by creating a connection between points on two objects. Snaps are used to create any feature on a drawing, such as a wall, a shape, or a surface, without requiring you to position or rotate the feature first.

AutoCAD 2018 introduces a number of new ways to add or manipulate shapes and features. Two of the most useful are Snaps and Gradient Fill. To begin, bring the “Insert Shapes” command and select “Snap”, “Gradient”, or “Offset” from the “Add or Modify” menu. This opens the dialog box shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Snap, Gradient, and Offset are available from the “Add or Modify” menu.

Select the Snap type from the options list. If you want to snap to a layer, check the “Layer” option.

If you want to snap to an object, select “Object” from the options.

Figure 2. If you want to snap to an object, you can snap either to a layer, or to an object.

If you want to snap to a point, check the “Point” option. If you’re not sure which point to snap to, you can select the “Direct” option, and the snap point will be chosen for you. If you want to snap to a wireframe edge, select the “Edge” option.

Figure 3. You can select the options for the snap to place.

If you want to snap to a fill, select the “Fill” option. If you’re not sure which fill to snap to, you can select the “Direct” option, and the snap point will be chosen for you.

Figure 4. You can snap to the nearest point of the fill you

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File formats

AutoCAD’s native file format, DXF, stores most drawings in a hierarchical format, a binary format similar to the Microsoft Office binary file format, although binary format is not required for all file formats. Any DXF-based format can be imported into AutoCAD. DXF files are stored in a number of formats, including native Windows-only DXF or cross-platform and platform-agnostic CAD-file standard, the cross-platform G-Code format and cross-platform cross-platform BLISP and BLISS-compatible CAD-file standard.

AutoCAD is able to save drawings in any format that is supported by the operating system.

All DWG, DXF and other file formats, including those created with AutoCAD and older versions of AutoCAD, are binary file formats. They are suitable for storing documents and drawings. With DWG and DXF, the extents of each object and its drawing properties are recorded. They are thus suited for storing technical drawings, but not for visual representations. In addition, CAD files may be constructed of blocks of shapes. The blocks are stored in a three-dimensional form, unlike visual representations, but they also store the extents of their individual blocks. DWG files, however, support the two-dimensional blocks.

AutoCAD’s native drawing formats are:

AutoCAD native formats
In AutoCAD, the native drawing formats are referred to as native DWG, native DXF, native DGN, native PDF, native SVG, native EXE, and native ISIS.


DGN is an extension of dBase II, which is what was introduced in AutoCAD 1985. A DGN file is a vector format like SVG that supports multi-layer drawing and styles. AutoCAD’s native DGN file format is a very rich and versatile native drawing format that was introduced in version 2 of the software. DGN files may be processed into other AutoCAD formats, including DWG, DXF and PDF.


AutoCAD native PDF format is a raster format that supports multi-page printing. PDF files are typically used for electronic publication and for display on the Web. AutoCAD’s native PDF format supports both vector and raster objects.

Native DWG and native DXF files support printing, although in AutoCAD, printing is controlled by the file creation method, rather than by the format

AutoCAD Serial Number Full Torrent [Latest]

Install your Autodesk products from the relevant link below.

The keygen does not contain the products from Autodesk, but generates the serial numbers for products installed using your serial number.

Save the file and run the macro.

All the information that is required to generate serial numbers for the products that you have installed on your computer.


VBA for Office

How to use the script
Create a file named ‘Macro1’ and save it.

Save the file in an appropriate location (i.e. a different location from the Autodesk’s Autocad folder).

Double-click on the Macro1.

The program will load.

The first line in the Macro1 will be ‘Select name of Autodesk product’.

The second line is the place where the serial numbers are generated.

Enter the name of the Autodesk product in the first line (i.e. Autodesk Autocad).

Enter the serial number of the product in the second line (i.e. 12345678).

Click the macro button.

The serial number of the product will be displayed.

For example, if you enter ‘Autodesk Autocad’ and ‘12345678’ in the Macro1 file, the serial number will be displayed as follows:

Note: the Serial Number will be displayed as follows:

Q: I can’t find the application I installed?

A: If you can’t find the application that you installed, please reinstall the application using a clean installation.

Q: Why is my serial number is not displayed?

A: Your serial number is not displayed, if you have not registered the product. Please register your product by clicking on ‘Register a product’ link in the Application Menu and register your serial number. If you have registered the product and you have registered the serial number, you

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Use Markup Assist to import feedback like comments, notes, and formulas directly into your drawings. (video: 1:28 min.)

Improved Drawings:

Preview your drawing before saving, and then decide which revisions to apply during the final save. (video: 1:17 min.)

See all steps of your drawing in order. Easily switch between the Draft and Draw modes. (video: 1:20 min.)

Create a Drawing Template to save your changes and build out a set of repeatable and reusable drawing tools. (video: 1:15 min.)

Give your drawings a consistently organized, semantic file structure. (video: 1:28 min.)

Hand-drawn lines can now be deleted with a simple X. (video: 1:18 min.)

“In our design tool, the user is the hero.” —Craig J. Sager, Product Marketing Manager

3D Printing and Visualization:

Access new 3D data from popular vendors like CATIA, SolidWorks, and MakeParts.

Import 3D models and easily manipulate them in AutoCAD. (video: 1:19 min.)

Create wireframes in minutes with the Wireframe tool. (video: 1:19 min.)

Plan and iterate on project design with AEC tools. (video: 1:29 min.)

Integrate your drawings with the AEC software you’re using in 3D. (video: 1:20 min.)

Reduce design time for building prototypes by including models in your drawings. (video: 1:20 min.)

4D Dimensioning:

AutoCAD now supports dimension tools for objects with 4D or Object Model elements.

Add horizontal and vertical dimensions in multilevel models. (video: 1:28 min.)

Apply dimensioning to all parts in your multilevel drawing. (video: 1:18 min.)

Automatic dimensioning reduces the time it takes to plan, create, and manage dimensions. (video: 1:23 min.)

5D Design:

More tools for highly engineered designs.

Use advanced 3D features for more accuracy. (video: 1:13 min.)

Modify 3D models in your drawing and bring the change to your model in real time.

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