AutoCAD 20.1 Crack PC/Windows (2022)







AutoCAD 20.1 Crack+ Serial Number Full Torrent Download PC/Windows [2022-Latest]

Version History of AutoCAD

(last update: June 1, 2020)

Other versions, including AutoCAD LT (2007), are available for free.

Current version: AutoCAD 2020.

Updates are released every three months.

(note: same year version does not mean same design, same software version)

Versions of AutoCAD

Revision History:

AutoCAD 1999: 1.18

AutoCAD 2000: 1.19

AutoCAD 2001: 1.20

AutoCAD 2002: 2.0

AutoCAD 2003: 2.1

AutoCAD 2004: 2.2

AutoCAD 2005: 2.6

AutoCAD 2006: 2.7

AutoCAD 2007: 3.0

AutoCAD 2008: 3.1

AutoCAD 2009: 3.2

AutoCAD 2010: 3.3

AutoCAD 2011: 4.0

AutoCAD 2012: 4.1

AutoCAD 2013: 4.2

AutoCAD 2014: 4.6

AutoCAD 2015: 4.8

AutoCAD 2016: 5.0

AutoCAD 2017: 5.2

AutoCAD 2018: 5.3

AutoCAD 2019: 5.4

AutoCAD 2020: 5.6

The following list summarizes the major revisions and new features of AutoCAD’s various release versions. Some features have been released more than once, depending on the target market for the software. Although there have been major releases of AutoCAD to the general public, most of the changes have been minor fixes or enhancements.

AutoCAD Release Features


Release Date Introduced Interface New Features Graphics Modeling


DWG Graphics (from R2000) Digital Project Data Model (DPM)

Managed Dimensions


Diagram Style

Dimension Styles

Edges and Components




Shape Table (R2002)

Revision History

AutoCAD’s history is detailed in the History section.

Release History of AutoCAD

(last update: March 30, 2020)

AutoCAD Version Release Date (

AutoCAD 20.1

AutoCAD first included Computer Aided Design (CAD) features in 1989, with the release of AutoCAD 2.


AutoCAD uses symbols and layers to represent objects, information about the objects and their relationship to other objects. The layers (usually numbered) indicate the location of objects in the drawing space, and they are the mechanism used to designate levels of detail. Symbols are 3-D objects which are rendered in a 2-D viewport or by other devices. Symbols can be grouped together on a layer to form a symbol set.

The drawing environment, or “document window,” holds a collection of layers and symbols and serves to control and display the drawing. Layers are usually presented in two views: a three-dimensional view, in which they appear to “float” in space, and a “perspective” view, in which they are projected on a plane. In AutoCAD, layers are created by drawing lines and dimensions.

The feature set of AutoCAD includes basic drawing and modeling functions, modeling, basic geometry, drafting tools, 3D modeling, rendering, rendering functions, analysis and working with data (as opposed to only visual presentation).

Design tools

In AutoCAD, the design tools enable the user to select and create various geometric elements including lines, arcs, circles, polylines, splines and paths, and to operate on those elements. These include:

Arc, polyline, spline, circle, polygon, and ellipse—points or lines define the path of the line or shape
Line and Shape Tools—the tool properties vary based on the selected line or shape. Tools include some of the following: Move, Rotate, Scale, Align, Mirror, Trim, Intersect, union, subtract, and dblclick
Routing—lines (polylines) are created to connect components or to show features like pipes, conduits, and so on. A set of tools including: Expand, Divide, Cut, Merge, Reverse, Join, Offset, Trim, Trim Edge, Weld, and offset edge are used to create the lines
Shape Tools—tools create a boundary for the shape based on the selected feature. Tools include: Fill, Cut, Fill & Cut, Split, Gradient, Gradient Outward, Copy, Copy Object, and Slide
Circle and Polygon—tools create the interior and exterior circle and polygon

AutoCAD 20.1 2022

On the main screen click File then Export then Project file then Open.

Then click on the space button (Windows) or the × button (Mac) and copy the path. (I don’t know how it’s called in English)
Then Paste it on C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Autocad\2020\2017 (Windows) or ~/.autocad/2010 (Mac OS).

Then go to the RAY dataset. You can search “ray” in google.
Then paste it on C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Autocad\2020\2017 (Windows) or ~/.autocad/2010 (Mac OS).

Then click on the small down arrow on the bottom right corner of the window, and click on the Load button.

That’s it. Enjoy your CADDY.
Note: I have used the latest Autodesk version in my computer, so I don’t know if this solution works on previous versions.
Note2: My CAD is not Autocad, I just copied the software from my colleagues and copied their answers on the internet.


Javascript – Create new var

Can someone explain to me why this code does not create a new var?
My eyes must be deceiving me

var one = “1”;
var two = “2”;
var three = “3”;
var four = “4”;
var five = “5”;
var six = “6”;
var seven = “7”;
var eight = “8”;
var nine = “9”;
var ten = “10”;
var eleven = “11”;
var twelve = “12”;
var thirteen = “13”;
var fourteen = “14”;
var fifteen = “15”;
var sixteen = “16”;
var seventeen = “17”;
var eighteen = “18”;
var nineteen = “19”;
var twenty = “20”;
var twenty_one = “21”;
var twenty_two = “22”;
var twenty_three = “23”;
var twenty_four = “24”;
var twenty_five = “25”;
var twenty_six = “26”;
var twenty_seven = “27”;
var twenty_eight = “28”;
var twenty_

What’s New In AutoCAD?

New options for managing your drafting bookmarks. (video: 1:45 min.)

New tools for reviewing and resizing objects:

Dimensions Preview for editing area dimensions, set based on specific coordinates and scale, and lock based on the last set setting. (video: 1:30 min.)

A Toolbar Command to Resize, Repeat, or Transform all objects in the drawing at once. (video: 1:50 min.)

Preview the dimensions of drawing objects as you select or move them. (video: 1:50 min.)

New shortcut keys for using various tools and commands in the ribbon:

Multi-tool key combinations:

H right click to toggle the help key for this tool.

F keys to quickly toggle between edit mode and object snap mode.

Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys to set the selection mode.

F6 and F7 keys to toggle the last used mode.

M key to access the “Move” tool.

A key to show the “Align” tool.

P key to show the “Path” tool.

V key to show the “Vertex” tool.

G key to toggle the “Grow” tool.

Shift+M key to toggle the “Subdivide” tool.

M key to toggle the “Merge” tool.

Shift+M key to toggle the “Transform” tool.

Shift+P key to toggle the “Snap” tool.

D key to toggle the “Draw” tool.

New command for quickly moving a selection through the drawing.

Drag Selection commands:

R scroll to the right to select all objects in the drawing.

S scroll to the left to select all objects in the drawing.

Shift+R scroll to the right to select all objects in the drawing.

Shift+S scroll to the left to select all objects in the drawing.

Move, repeat, and transform:

M key to select multiple objects.

F7 key to toggle the last used mode.

M key to switch the active object mode to select, move, or transform.

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
Processor: 1.6 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Graphics: 512 MB or newer
DirectX: Version 9.0
Storage: 100 MB available space
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Other Requirements:
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