PIC C Compiler 64 Bit [TOP]

PIC C Compiler 64 Bit [TOP]

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PIC C Compiler 64 Bit

The compiler is recognizing that youre using the intrinsic function and generating a valid function. You can compile any valid C program with intrinsics. The only tools the compiler doesn’t supply are high-level language libraries. For example, Visual Studio has standard libraries like the math library for C or C++, and you should not need to call them. The compiler generates the machine instructions for what you want to do, and the APIs you need are contained in the compiler-provided header.

So what advantage does this offer over the older VC++ tools? It’s not that much. You just write code using the extra power of intrinsics. For example, the intrinsic _mm_add_ps not only calculates the sum of four float values, but also performs the operation in one instruction. This is, on average, half the number of instructions for a regular add. For a non-SIMD program, the compiler will perform all optimizations it can. The intrinsics help when there are no explicit instructions available to perform a specific task.

As with the 64-bit PIC18P, you can use GNU-EFI to build 64-bit applications and libraries using an x86_64 toolchain. You don’t need to use GNU-EFI to cross-compile 32-bit EFI applications. If you want to build a 32-bit application in the 64-bit GNU-EFI environment, use the cross-compiler tool.

Choose this licensing option if you want to allow cross compilation from PIC C Compiler 64 Bit. It requires critical infrastructure: an existing full toolchain, an xcode project, and a MAC.

NOTE: do not call this option your primary PIC C Compiler. The PIC C Compiler is a full toolchain, not a PIC-C Compiler. This toolchain is meant to be used as secondary compiler, either to improve the existing full toolchain, or replace it.

By default, when running on 32-bit processors, the C compiler converts 32-bit integers to 32-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 32-bit integers, and 64-bit doubles to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 32-bit floats to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 32-bit floats to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 32-bit floats to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 32-bit floats to 64-bit integers.
If your software needs to be 32-bit compatible, you can define a compiler option that disables automatic conversion of 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit doubles to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 32-bit floats to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers, and 32-bit floats to 64-bit integers.


While you may be willing to re-write all your program to use a 64bit compiler, many or most of your libraries will be 32bit. Because you want the same libraries available for 32 and 64bit, you have a compromise that is easy with the __32BIT__ compiler define.
An example is here:
#define STRING_T(str) #str
#define STRING(str) STRING_T(str)
#define ATTRIBUTE(str
