AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack Activator PC/Windows ⓵







AutoCAD 2017 21.0 [2022-Latest]

In 1983, Autodesk released AutoCAD, a desktop CAD application for the Apple II, Atari 8-bit family, and IBM PC-compatible personal computers. AutoCAD could be purchased or leased at Autodesk’s publishing partner, Authorware, or by programming firms. Autodesk sold licences for the software, typically bundled with the computer. AutoCAD was the first CAD application for personal computers, competing against mainframe CAD systems and minicomputer CAD systems. The first versions of AutoCAD were written in BASIC on the Apple II computers. Most of the first AutoCAD computers were sold as Apple II computers with the built-in option of being connected to an Apple LaserWriter. Because of the LaserWriter option, Apple computers had a better-integrated graphics adapter than Apple II computers without the LaserWriter option, making them a better choice for AutoCAD.

Programmer involvement
Autodesk claims that most development time for AutoCAD is put into features that solve specific problems for AutoCAD’s primary users. In general, this does not apply to developers who develop add-ons to AutoCAD; those developers often spend a lot of time and effort creating products that are not used by the majority of AutoCAD’s customers. For example, some developers create their own commands or blocks instead of using the built-in ones, and then force their users to use them. AutoCAD’s development process is very fluid, with features being added all the time, and even major features being removed only to later be added back again. As a result, Autodesk gives no formal commitment to support older versions of AutoCAD or guarantee the stability of older versions of AutoCAD.

Since its release in 1983, AutoCAD has been widely popular, selling more than five million copies. While many companies found that AutoCAD was a valuable addition to their CAD system, AutoCAD was also used to create a substantial amount of non-CAD engineering drawings.

AutoCAD was initially a plug-in architecture product, allowing it to be expanded and modified by third parties. Autodesk no longer supports plug-in technology, and has since replaced the plug-in architecture with a modular architecture, making third-party extensions more difficult to develop.

Autodesk has released AutoCAD under the GNU General Public License, and encourages the development of free software.

AutoCAD 2017 21.0

iOS and Android
AutoCAD Crack LT for mobile devices has been released for both iOS and Android platforms and released for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Apple Watch and Android Wear.

See also

Comparison of CAD editors
Autodesk SketchBook Pro
Canon CAD CC Graphics Editor
DIA Design Suite
Magix Designer
Microsoft Visual Studio
Nuance CAD


Further reading
“ADI’s AutoCAD For Windows 10 Crack LT product overview”, written by Pete Meyers, the Senior Product Manager for AutoCAD LT, published at the Autodesk website.

External links

AutoCAD at Autodesk official website

Category:3D graphics software
Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Linux
Category:Cross-platform software
Category:Electronic publishing
Category:Electronic design automation software
Category:Graphics software
Category:Nondestructive editing software
Category:Proprietary commercial software for Linux
Category:Proprietary software that uses QtQ:

How to use make_function with a user-defined function?

I want to create a user-defined function, and then create a object for it. How do I do that?
This is the same problem as but that question was also tagged for C++, which this is not.
The following program:

// This is my own implementation of the function
void foo(std::string const& x) {
std::cout const& d) {
for (auto const& kvp : d) {

int main() {

AutoCAD 2017 21.0 For Windows

Keygen version:
Generation date: 2016-10-29 20:37:13 UTC
Time: 10:38:48 PM UTC
Generated with: AutoCAD

The code changes when the key is generated
1. Use an editor to add the following lines before “end” of line 114

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

You can also add comments or drawings to your files and send feedback by email or print directly from the feedback tool.

Change Color:

Extend color usage beyond the standard four colors to produce custom colors by mixing two to three colors. Use these custom colors to mix designs, skin, highlights, gradients, outlines, and more. (video: 1:03 min.)

AutoCAD 2023 provides new, expanded default colors.

Add to existing Layers:

This helpful tool allows you to add elements to existing layers, based on multiple criteria. You can create custom-labeled layers based on text, linetype, elevation, gradients, or gradients with color variations, and you can add to these layers automatically as you import, or you can do it manually. You can also do bulk operations such as adding to many layers at once.

Add to Layers with Dynamic Filters:

You can now add to a Layers with Dynamic Filters based on multiple criteria. You can create custom-labeled layers with this tool, add them to other layers, remove them, and filter them. You can also add to these layers automatically as you import, or you can do it manually.

Change the Auto Color:

This tool allows you to change a single color in an AutoCAD drawing to any color in the color wheel.

Send Document to Desktop Printing:

You can now send files from an active drawing session directly to the Printing window. This feature is intended to help you get quick feedback on your drawing, such as changes you have made, comments you have made, or your overall design.

Change the Zoom Percent:

This tool allows you to zoom in and out of a drawing with more precision, using the same number of steps as the Zoom tool.

The Zoom tool is now 3 times zoom, and the Zoom Percent tool is now 6 times zoom.

Expand/Collapse Groups of Elements:

This tool allows you to expand or collapse group of items. The items in a group are grouped together on the screen, so you can easily expand/collapse them by clicking on them. You can also double-click on a group name to expand or collapse that group.

Change the Unit of Measurement:

This tool allows you to change the Unit of Measurement for the drawing. You can choose whether to use the current unit of measure in the drawing or

System Requirements:

Mac OS X 10.10 or higher (you can use the legacy installer as well)
10 GB of free space on your Hard Drive
Intel-based Mac
Minimum of 2 GB RAM
64-bit Intel-based Mac with Rosetta installed (select the legacy installer)
Advanced Features:
Display is ATSC-M/H (480i or 1080i)
Stereoscopic 3D requires a TV that supports 3D (Hoyt 3D, Dolby 3D, Dolby 3